Sunday, August 27, 2006

Yet Another Bath Time Pic

He still loves his bath time, especially his white towel! Posted by Picasa

The Emperor Receives a Collect Call

Usually I'm not tickled by Internet humor. But here is a classic (courtesy Cartoon Network / Robot Chicken). Enjoy.

Singing with Mommy

Tiffany does her rendition of the "Grand Old Duke of York" Posted by Picasa

Alex Meets Erik

Alex meets Erik Kassube (Tom & Christine's first boy too) Posted by Picasa

Alex & Teddy (@ 2 months)

Alex still loves his Teddy! Posted by Picasa

Tiff & Alex

He loves his mom! Posted by Picasa

Alex & Teddy (@ 2 weeks)

Here's some older pics of Alex @ 2 weeks. Our friend Char took these. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tummy Time

Alex gets in some quality "tummy time" where he love to exercise his arms and legs. He'll be crawling before we know it! Posted by Picasa

Alex's Big Adventure (Hopefully Pt 1 of 1)

I came home from buying groceries on Wednesday night; Tiffany met me at the door. "We've gotta run down to the ER, get ready to go," she said. So I did what any new parent would do - panic! It turns out that Alex had a "rectal abscess" on his bottom; what a layperson like myself would call a boil :-) So I thought - no biggie, go to the ER, get it lanced, go home. Right?

Wrong! Turns out that since Alex is so young (5.5 weeks) they decided to put an IV in him with an antibiotic drip. We ended up staying the night (and a good chunk of the next day) at Burnsville Ridges hospital. (See the pic of Tiff and Alex below). The pediatric surgeon drained him on Thursday, and after checking his blood counts, temperature, etc, we were allow to go home.

On Friday, the abscess returned :-( Due to the superhuman healing powers of babies, the incision site had healed up, and was beginning to fill up again. On Saturday morning, we took Alex down to Children's Hospital (much closer to home), and had the procedure redone. As of Sunday morning, everything is looking good, and hopefully this story will have a happy postscript. Unfortunately, there is a ~40% chance that this type of abscess will be a reoccurring one (which would mean a cyst deeper under Alex's skin). If this is a re-occurring problem, it will call for full-blown surgery. Keep your fingers crossed!

He's a Trooper

Mom & Alex at the hospital. Posted by Picasa

Mom, Dad & Alex

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Alex Meets the SP Fire Dept

Alex gets to meet his first firefighter at our annual Laurel Ave block party. Alex also got to see the cook out, homerun derby, and meet many of the other kids on the block. Posted by Picasa

Alex Looking out the Window

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Alex with Grandma MarryAnn

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Alex with Grandpa Ron

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Alex with Mom & "Nana" Linda

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Alex's 1st "Full Submersion" Bath

Alex gets his first bath where he's fully submersed. He loves his bath!
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